These industries should invest more in translation management

Laura Mangels
A.C.T. GmbH


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The pandemic has impacted companies all over the world. Some were hit with massive losses, and others were forced to shut their doors altogether. In the first quarter of 2021, the GDP in the eurozone dropped by 0.6 percent compared to the previous quarter. But there are also industries and sectors that the crisis barely touched. These growth industries range from manufacturers of semiconductors to the makers of communications technology and precision tools. Some players in these areas have now outgrown the startup phase. Many of them however, have neglected to set up clear expansion plans including a strategic translation road map. What goes into a good translation strategy? Read on to find out.

Focus on growth industries

In a recent study, the  McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) examined trending industries in the manufacturing sector. The top spots went to semiconductors, communications technology, pharma, electronic components, base metals, medical technology and petrochemistry as well as transportation equipment and – an area of vital importance to German SMEs – mechanical engineering. Die deutsche Wirtschaft (DDW), an information network of CEOs, company owners and experts on the German economy, also cited areas such as high-speed technologies, digitalization solutions, artificial intelligence, distance learning, online marketing, conference solutions, home entertainment and sustainability solutions along with many other topics as business fields that are set to enter the fast lane. Having spent recent months cementing their domestic standing and putting their business on solid footing, these and other trend industries can now focus on tapping into new markets and expanding internationally.

If you want to succeed with international target groups, you need to tailor your communications to them

But can you grow without a reliable source of translation expertise? Absolutely not! About 60% of the companies surveyed in a recent Kienbaum study currently expect to grow their foreign sales by up to 10% annually. Any enterprise that wants to achieve that kind of growth needs to understand how to communicate with new target groups in their own languages. With fields like distance learning, video conferences and entertainment, it’s a no-brainer: you can’t even begin to communicate with your target audiences until you have translated and localized all your content from A to Z. But even companies whose business is not primarily about language, such as manufacturers, should plan their multilingual communications at an early stage, and ask themselves: What languages do we need now? Which ones may be important for our future growth? Automated machine translations won’t cut it, because whether you’re planning to localize a white paper, a marketing flyer, a product video or a whole website – to name just a few – you should always have the job done by professional translators who are native speakers of the target language. Look for experts with a proven track record. They should also specialize in your sector so you can be sure that the terminology and wording will be consistent with market standards and customer expectations.

Breiter aufgestellt durch die Krise

Es geht hierbei übrigens nicht nur um aufstrebende Zukunftsindustrien. Auch alteingesessene Unternehmen oder seit langem bekannte Industriezweige achten oft noch immer zu wenig auf eine zielgruppen- und länderspezifische Ansprache. Ein Beispiel sind Webagenturen, die zwar nur wenige Märkte bedienen, aber internationale Kunden adressieren. Hinzukommen klassische, eher konservative Industrien, die noch nicht ausreichend in professionelle Übersetzungen investieren, um so den internationalen Erfolg zu forcieren und sich wettbewerbsstark aufzustellen. Beispiel hier: der metallverarbeitende Mittelstand. Aufgrund der Corona-Krise mag es für sie derzeit zunächst wichtiger erscheinen, digitaler und automatisierter zu werden. Hochwertige Übersetzungen und Lokalisierungen bleiben dabei häufig auf der Strecke oder rücken auf der Prioritätenliste nach unten. Doch wenn sie effizienter, erfolgreicher und durch Internationalität krisenresistenter werden wollen, sollten sie auf die Zusammenarbeit mit einem erfahrenen Übersetzungsbüro setzen. Ein wichtiger Rat diesbezüglich: Seien Sie proaktiv, planen Sie frühzeitig, welche Märkte angesprochen werden sollen und welche Übersetzungen anstehen (könnten).

Localization maturity models can help you structure your in-house processes and also drive your global growth.

No matter what your company’s size, industry or stage of development, use our tips to scout out a translation provider that will help you reach your goals. Define your needs and the expectations you have of a translation provider, and use this road map to help you ask the right questions.

What else do you need to put on your list of priorities as you gear up to enter new international markets? Find out in our blog article “Localization in 5 steps.”

Do you have any questions about translation and localization?

We are happy to help and look forward to talking with you.


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