Language services


Only humans can read between the lines. With our post-editing service, trained translators check, edit, and improve the quality of your machine translation.

Humans and machines working as a team

Machine translated – but tailor-made.

For post-editing, our experts make sure your corporate terminology, style, and other requirements are applied correctly. The changes are saved in your personal translation memory – for optimized results in the next translation.

We can improve your machine translations.


Our post-editing service

Various forms of human post-editing

Light post-editing:

  • Light post-editing transforms machine-translated text into understandable and usable, but not linguistically or stylistically flawless, text.

Full post-editing:
  • Full post-editing, by contrast, is designed to produce high-quality results. Stylistically appropriate, linguistically correct texts that are no different from what good human translators can produce.

Post-editing in accordance with ISO 18587
  • Complete post-editing by uniquely qualified post-editors is designed to ensure a particularly high-quality machine translation.

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For us, good is not good enough

We breathe soul into machine-generated texts.

No translation system can produce absolutely error-free texts. However, they do provide a good foundation for translations. Our experts are well-versed in post-editing and ensure that the text properly reflects your company – both in terms of content and style.

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We are happy to help!

Get in touch for a consultation.

In order to ensure the best possible result, you will always have a contact person at your disposal. Your translator and the Quality Assurance department will work closely with you upon request. They will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Ihre Projekte in unseren Händen

ihre ansprechpartner sprachdienstleister your contact person language service provider act translations
Unsere Übersetzer:innen

ACT ist die besondere Spezialisierung der Übersetzer:innen auf die unterschiedlichen Fachbereiche wichtig – unser umfangreicher Pool an Muttersprachler:innen ermöglicht es uns, für jeden Fachbereich die passenden Sprachexpert:innen zu finden.

lektorieren uebersetzung pruefen korrekturlesen proofreading editing translations
Übersetzungs management

Das Team von ACT hat langjährige Erfahrung mit den besonderen Anforderungen von Industrie und Handel, insbesondere mit den wachsenden Ansprüchen unserer internationalen Businesskunden.

zertifizierter uebersetzungsdienstleister fachuebersetzung qualitaetsmanagement certified translation service provider

Unsere maßgeschneiderten Texte sind Zeichen Ihrer Professionalität. Sie sind die Voraussetzung für eine reibungslose Kommunikation und Garant dafür, dass die Botschaft des Originaltextes erhalten bleibt – in allen Kulturen.

zertifizierter uebersetzungsdienstleister fachuebersetzung qualitaetsmanagement certified translation service provider

Trust in our quality

Every single piece of copy undergoes a separate quality control process: Is every aspect of the translation perfect in terms of language and content? Our texts are always checked before being submitted to our clients. As a highly respected translation agency, we vouch for the quality of our work with our name.

Would you like
a personal consultation?

Your personal contact provides expert and solution-oriented advice. We use cutting-edge technology and a sure feel for languages to deliver expert, on-target translations.
Your deadlines are our deadlines, and we strive to make the whole process easy for you. That’s what we mean by quality. Our translation service goes the extra mile.

ihre ansprechpartner sprachdienstleister your contact person language key account manager act

Hello, my name is Kirti Sawhney-Kersten.
How can I help you?

Kirti Sawhney-Kersten, Key Account Manager


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