Cultural excellence in the hotel and tourism industry: When translation turns into transcreation
A relaxing vacation? A perfect stay in a hotel? Everyone has a different opinion about it. However,…
A single proofreading session is often not enough for higher quality, which is why our in-house quality assurance department double-checks every translation.
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Translations of highly specific technical texts – manuals, specification sheets and requirement profiles – will be read by a target audience of engineers, processing companies and end clients alike. This content needs to be phrased in a way that is both impeccably accurate and user-friendly enough to convey the technical information in readable, comprehensible language. This is why all relevant company texts need to be proofread.
We take care of text adaptation; this includes externally produced texts.
Its message, style and grammar have to be impeccable. Our professional proofreaders scrutinize every single word of your text: Does the style of your text match its content? Or could it use a little fine-tuning in terms of its metaphors or wording? During the proofreading process, we make sure that our translation does justice to your source text. Not only that: our thorough editing will also eliminate any unnecessary information and empty phrases.
The proofreader will adapt your texts to suit the target group, cultural context and regional specificities.
Every translation is sent to our in-house quality assurance department, including translations in non-European languages. Our proofreaders don’t just check translations for perfect spelling and punctuation. They consider the text as a whole to ensure that the translation flows naturally. Our translators are native speakers who know the unique characteristics of the target language and cultural nuances of the target market. The quality assurance team gives your translation the finishing touch for a flawless text.
We offer experienced proofreaders and comprehensive advice.
Close cooperation is an important criterion for success. Your proofreader is your expert partner and will dedicate his or her linguistic expertise to making your project a success by establishing close contact with you and/or the author of your translation. No text will leave our hands before it is completely ready for print and publication.
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ACT ist die besondere Spezialisierung der Übersetzer:innen auf die unterschiedlichen Fachbereiche wichtig – unser umfangreicher Pool an Muttersprachler:innen ermöglicht es uns, für jeden Fachbereich die passenden Sprachexpert:innen zu finden.
Das Team von ACT hat langjährige Erfahrung mit den besonderen Anforderungen von Industrie und Handel, insbesondere mit den wachsenden Ansprüchen unserer internationalen Businesskunden.
Unsere maßgeschneiderten Texte sind Zeichen Ihrer Professionalität. Sie sind die Voraussetzung für eine reibungslose Kommunikation und Garant dafür, dass die Botschaft des Originaltextes erhalten bleibt – in allen Kulturen.
Every single piece of copy undergoes a separate quality control process: Is every aspect of the translation perfect in terms of language and content? Our texts are always checked before being submitted to our clients. As a highly respected translation agency, we vouch for the quality of our work with our name.
Your personal contact provides expert and solution-oriented advice. We use cutting-edge technology and a sure feel for languages to deliver expert, on-target translations.
Your deadlines are our deadlines, and we strive to make the whole process easy for you. That’s what we mean by quality. Our translation service goes the extra mile.
Kirti Sawhney-Kersten, Key Account Manager
Phone: +49 2161 56711 – 59
Email: [email protected]
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