Language services

Professional proofreading

We support you on the last mile for your documents. Whether they need proofreading, a review or editing, whether they’re translations or originals in any language—our proofreading services make sure they're ready to publish.


Eliminate errors that can damage your image

Your texts are your calling card. Make sure they reflect well on you.

Studies have shown that even seemingly minor spelling and punctuation mistakes can damage a company’s credibility and drive customers away. Our professional proofreaders and editors eliminate errors and give your documents the final polish. And your customers will know you care enough to get the details right.

We check all the nuts and bolts of your text:

Proofreading and editing: for translations that meet the same high bar as your originals

Wir übernehmen die Textadaption – gerne auch bei hausfremden Texten.

Botschaft, Stil und Grammatik müssen stimmen. Unsere professionellen Lektoren nehmen Ihren Text daher genau unter die Lupe: Sind Stil und Inhalt in Ihrem Text stimmig? Oder ist weiterer Feinschliff hinsichtlich Metaphern oder Wortwahl notwendig? Wir sorgen mit unserem Lektorat dafür, dass Ihre Übersetzung dem Ausgangstext gerecht wird. Und: Unser sorgfältiges Redigieren spürt auch Scheininformationen und Worthülsen auf.

Don’t take risks with your critical marketing translations

Make sure your translated slogans, taglines, ad copy and articles are culturally appropriate and tailored for your target audience.

Get professional copy editing and a “cultural review” of your marketing and journalism translations. Our professional reviewers are native speakers of the target language, so they not only spot and fix language issues but also make sure you avoid cultural mistakes. And as marketing experts, they apply all the rules of good copywriting, eliminating weak words and empty phrases. With ACT, you can be sure your international content is powerful and effective.

Wir betrachten Ihre Texte mit den Augen künftiger Leser

Bei uns finden Sie erfahrene Lektoren und erhalten eine umfassende Beratung.

Weil eine gute Zusammenarbeit ein wichtiges Erfolgskriterium ist, steht Ihr Lektor in engem Kontakt zu Ihnen beziehungsweise dem Autor der Übersetzung und begleitet Sie als kompetenter Partner mit ausgewiesenem Sprachgefühl. Nur ein druckfertiger Text verlässt unser Haus – bereit, direkt von Ihnen eingesetzt zu werden.

Fast and convenient.

Get a free instant quote now.

Unser Angebot richtet sich nur an Unternehmen und steht für Privatkunden nicht zur Verfügung.

+49 (0) 2161 56711-0

Business clients only

Kirti Key Account Manager | Ihre Ansprechpartner | ACT Translations Ansprechpartner | Your contact | Language service provider

Kirti Sawhney-Kersten

Key Account Manager

Does your project have complex requirements?

Our experts will find the right solution for you.

Your projects are in good hands with us

Our translators

ACT has spent years building up a stable of trusted, native-speaker translators who specialize in select fields. This means you always get professional results from an expert with the right combination of skills to meet your needs.

Translation management

Benefit from our vast experience in meeting the changing needs of our international clients in industry and commerce. Our streamlined translation management processes are designed to take the work off your shoulders.

Quality policy

Our quality management system is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and 17100 standards. That’s your guarantee of high-quality results and a testament to our quality assurance team’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Trust in our quality

As a certified translation services provider, we are the competent and reliable partner you need. ACT Translations works exclusively with professional translators who are native speakers in the target languages with years of experience. What’s more, our translators only translate texts in fields where they have relevant experience and expertise.

Certified for the Mönchengladbach headquarters

Would you like a personal consultation?

Your personal contact provides expert and solution-oriented advice. With cutting-edge technology and a sure feel for languages, we guarantee expert translations and on-target accuracy. Your deadlines are our deadlines, and we aim to make the whole process easy for you. That’s what we mean by quality. Our translation service goes the extra mile.

Kirti Key Account Manager | Ihre Ansprechpartner | ACT Translations Ansprechpartner | Your contact | Language service provider

Hello, my name is Kirti Sawhney-Kersten.
How can I help you?

Kirti Sawhney-Kersten, Key Account Manager


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